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Web Apps

Web App

Web Apps mix the best of native apps with the power of the web. No need to download and install or wait for setup. No waiting for updates. Instant access to your Web App. Add to home screen and launch just like an app, only instant! No wasted expenses on developing three different versions of your app. Just one. Your Web App.

A lot of Apps on the app store tend to be glorified web pages, even if your web company tell you otherwise, and the ones that aren’t probably don’t need a native app written each time for iPhone, iPad, Android, Chrome, ChromeOS, Windows, MacOS… It soon becomes costly to hire developers to make these apps, when the web gives all of this to all platforms with one set of code.

And now, with Web Apps and PWAs you can get the benefit of a native app with the benefits of the web. Add your app immediately to the home screen, launch even when there’s no signal or wifi, and don’t hog the user’s phone space either, Web Apps manage their storage automatically, meaning you can now reach those users that don’t have the storage space available to install your native app from the app store.

An app can see a reduction of up to 20% of users for each step to download. Going from the website, to the app store, to install, to the home screen, to launching is 5 steps. Not to mention the steps they took to already get to the website. Now that can be a potential reduction of 100% of users! PWA reduces the steps between discovery of an app and getting it on the home screen and thereby eliminates friction of getting an app installed. Install with one tap with no waiting directly from the first page of the website they visit.

Get involved in the web revoloution and don’t get left behind! Get in touch today